From were I left you, I chose a parti model to start developing my massing. I started playing with the shapes to different locations en rotations, but it my parti wasn't being translated into it.
So I move to digital modeling in the site and I came up with this. Being the the tall box a central point surrounded by glass and open the the eye sight without any walls in between to allow more light and spaced, and appreciate the view that its offered. However, as prof. Jill said "too rigid".
So I started developing the massing even more playing with it and rotating the corridor box.
As I kept playing with it I started to change the shape of from boxes, as I like to call them.
However, for my personal opinion, the previous massing was too messy so I went back and made a slight change in the top box and middle one.
As I have being developing this massing to keep it clear, clean and beautiful, I've decided to keep it simple but interesting. Furthermore, I think that the one that might work the best would be option "A" since it has a contrast between the rigid of the boxes and the curvy of the clear corridor box. And as I keep working everything is open to be modified as much as it needs to be so it can work perfectly.